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The Power of Our Words -- Book and Author Spotlight

Diana Leagh Matthews • Jun 27, 2024

Join me today as I welcome author Diana Leigh Matthews, as she shares about her latest release, and the fact that our words have the power of life and death in them. A timely reminder for all.

A friend confided in me and asked me to speak with another friend. When I chose to do so it was with harsh and accusing words. In the end, I looked the fool.

James 3:1 says, “The tongue … is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.”

Hurting people often hurt people. This may not be intentional, but their pain is so deep that all they know to do is to lash out at others. In “Carol of the Rooms,” Terri Neely has buried her pain so deep that she constantly lashes out at others.

It’s only through a supernatural visit that she’s forced to face the truth she’s hidden from for so long. Only then is she able to seek forgiveness and begin to change her ways and rebuild her life.

I wish that instead of condemning my friends, I’d taken the time to pray for them. To seek the Lord’s wisdom before reacting so foolishly. To pour words of love and kindness over them. I would have gotten much further with kindness than with criticism.

While more than two decades have passed, I’ve regretted my part greatly. Not only did I destroy two friendships but one of the friends was killed in a car accident a short time later. There would be no opportunity for apologies or reconciliation.

As the old proverb says, “Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, Sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” (Proverbs 16:24)

We can either use our words to tear people down or build people up. Personally, I’ve spent too many years tearing down and like Terri turning my hurt on others. Today, I’d rather use my words to uplift and encourage others.

Are your words harsh and unforgiving or pleasant and encouraging?


About Leagh:

Diana Leagh Matthews shares God’s love through her story From Rebel to Redeemed. Her day job is as a volunteer coordinator, but at night she writes and hunts genealogy. She gives programs as a speaker, teacher, and presents historical monologues. Leagh’s (pronounced Lee) debut novel is Carol of the Rooms. Her second novel Forever Changed will release in early 2025. She also writes the history behind hymns at


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