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Repairing Hearts -- Book and Author Spotlight with Giveaway

Julie Arduini • Jul 10, 2024

Help me welcome author Julie Arduini as she shares about her latest release. Plus, read on, because she has graciously offered to gift one lucky person with something free.

First, I'm going to ask Julie some tough questions.


What do you enjoy most about writing?

My husband is an avid golfer and I find talking to him about the sport, we often have similar stories. There are days he golfs and nothing goes right. His swing is off. The ball goes in the rough. He comes home thinking it’s the worst sport and he’ll never play again---until the next time. The next time, everything goes right. Things just flow. He returns feeling an emotional rush and he can’t wait to get back at it.


That’s writing for me. I love the rush. So many days the flow is forced. I need to connect this plot point to get to the next big moment. It takes so much time and often the results don’t seem to outweigh the effort. But then, then there’s when all things connect and the story world opens up and words flow. It’s beautiful and like my husband and golf, makes me yearn to “get back at it” as soon as possible.


What can readers expect from you next?

Surrendering Hearts features the Hart sextuplets and how they discover their identity and try to find a love like their parents shared. Each sibling has their own book. Jordyn has Anchored Hearts, Ryan is the hero of Repairing Hearts. Next up is Evan’s story, Building Hearts. Evan is the middle child and has always wanted to make a name for himself. He finally has the opportunity with the new reality show, Building with the Harts. Each book contains a Christian surrender issue and a chocolate mention, and with Evan, he needs to surrender what others think. He grew up in Ryan’s shadow, and Evan really wants to shine with the show. Will his co-producer, Shea Madden, and the job before them be a success for them, or another hurt they endure? I’m having fun writing this small-town, co-worker romance.


What can readers who enjoy your book do to help make it successful?

I’m so thankful for readers! The best thing they could do is spread the word. If they know other readers who enjoy small-town romances with a Christian message, it means so much when the recommendation comes from them. If they are members of FB groups focused on books, often other readers ask about books and authors. It would be wonderful if my readers took a moment and added my name to those posts. Of course, leaving a review is always helpful. The more reviews Amazon receives, the more visibility a book receives. I don’t take readers for granted. I need their help and encouragement as much as I hope my books provide that for them.

Giveaway: I’m happy to give away one Kindle copy of Anchored Hearts/Repairing Hearts.  Leave a comment and tell me whether you prefer small town settings or big city settings.


About Repairing Hearts

What if a reality show creates a blight on sextuplet Ryan Hart’s life harsher than his dump of a home?
Ryan, the independent, brooding second oldest of the Hart sextuplets, can’t enjoy the solitude he craves when he agrees to star on a reality show. The plan is to discover a project manager to renovate his hole of a property. The show reveals that it's more about Ryan’s dating life. Can he keep his guard up when everything around him is falling apart faster than the shingles on his roof?
BJ Wallace loves her quiet life in Wisconsin that she’s created far from her traumatic childhood. Everything changes when she learns she's competing on Repairing Ryan's Heart. As the show focuses more on Ryan than the house, BJ falls for him. Will she win the show and destroy Ryan with her secret, or sacrifice her heart to protect Ryan?
A small-town, reality show romance with family drama and a Christian thread of surrendering pride and anger.

Repairing Hearts for Kindle:

Repairing Hearts Softcover:


A Peek inside Repairing Hearts



Ryan Hart squinted as the hot, white lights came to life and the cameraman started the countdown. The second oldest sextuplet glanced at the small mic attached to his ironed navy shirt and sucked in a breath as if he was heading to an early morning boot camp run.


Behind the cameras was a stack of musty, outdated living room pieces that belonged at the end of the driveway for trash day. The walls to his side had peeling wall paper, the design featuring a gold backdrop with red velvet designs from the 1970s. Or older.


What have I done to allow the live interview to be in this death trap?


“You’ve got this, Ry.” Jordyn, seated first in the line thanks to birth order, mouthed an encouragement. Apparently, the lights blinded her to the water leak shapes in the ceiling.


“Aunt” Julia turned in her chair and flashed a smile as soon as the cameras clicked on.


 This is happening. I hate this.


“Good evening, I’m Julia Turmeric on a very special edition of Wednesdays with Julia. Tonight, we have the Hart sextuplets for their annual interview, but this year, it’s their twenty-fifth birthday we’re celebrating.”


Evan pounded the arm rest with a passionate “Yeah!”


If only I could pound him.


Julia chuckled. “Let’s get into it. Evan, you’re obviously excited. Why does this birthday mean so much to you?"


       The third sextuplet straightened in his chair and offered a grin complete with dimples that seemed to always give Evan favor over Ryan.


About Julie:

Julie Arduini writes small-town romances featuring Christian surrender themes and chocolate mentions. She’s the author of the series SURRENDERING HEARTS (Anchored Hearts, Repairing Hearts, +four more). Her other romance series is SURRENDERING TIME (Entrusted, Entangled, Engaged). She also co-wrote a YA/Women’s Fiction series with her daughter, SURRENDERING STINKIN’ THINKIN’ (You’re Beautiful, You’re Amazing, You’re Brilliant). Her stand-alone romances include MATCH MADE IN HEAVEN and RESTORING CHRISTMAS. Julie maintains a blog at, Substack, and participates in the team blog Christians Read. She resides in Ohio with her husband and daughter. Learn more by visiting her at


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