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Building a Balanced Path -- Book and Author Spotlight

Amber Stowe • Jul 18, 2024

Join me today as I welcome author and blogger Amber Stowe as she shares about her upcoming release.

“Mom, I just wish all the stories in school didn’t have to be so sad and depressing.”

And so, after school we sat together and laughed instead. A children’s easel and giant white board in front of us, we drew pictures of gold stacked high in a multi-level mansion. We wondered about stories of finding gold and why leprechauns chase it. We thought it might be fun to go on a leprechaun hunt with Saint Patrick’s Day around the corner.

The next morning, I woke up at 3 am with a full story in my head. Curled up on the soft couch I handwrote feverishly, yellow note pad and gel pen until the sun came up. The rough draft mostly done, I headed to a full day of teaching with whimsey on my heart.

Imagination. Adventure. Questions. Whimsey. These amazing parts of humanity fill our waking hours as children. And then slowly we introduce kids to the “real world” where unfortunately many abandon these great human pieces for seeking a more “mature” version of themselves.

But many of the best grownups I know hold fast to imagination. They seek adventure and to help the world. They embrace real questions and ask curiously about life and people. They make time for whimsey and laughter.

To help our kids continue in those great endeavors, we must pursue them ourselves.  In our lives and in our writing, we cannot forget the quickening pulse when we love a character or story so much it touches us personally or moves us to action. We must echo our hearts into the world and offer stories to kids that support them as the navigate life’s great light and dark moments. Kids will need many different stories and characters—for stories become our blueprint for life events and people.

This is the heartbeat behind the Lemon Tree Lane series. As a teacher, I find the tension between light and darkness important and compelling. Choosing fun and kind stories are incredibly important to lift our souls and brighten our day. We also must have stories that ask the hard questions that knock at those same hearts and make us question the good.

Lemon Tree Lane pursues both. Full of fun and whimsey, gold chasing leprechauns race amongst vibrant green hills. And, those characters have the same questions we all do. Questions all kids have, such as “Am I enough?” or “What is my purpose in this world?” It is a series where readers get a glimpse of themselves and open doors for caregivers to have both fun and real conversations.

I’m excited the books will be here this fall! Be it at home or in the classroom, may we share stories that uplift and encourage. Keep writing and reading stories that fill our hearts and heads and compel us to take the next courageous steps.  Add some whimsey along the way.

Read further for first page peek inside the book!

About Amber:

Amber Stowe is a multi-generational author who loves to come alongside families at all ages and stages. She has seen first-hand how good stories, both lived and found, shape who we become. After decades of teaching, earning a MS in Counseling, and travel adventures, Amber has glimpsed the power of a journey filled with hope and choice. 

Click here to enter a giveaway for the first in Amber’s new children’s series. In the subject line of the contact form, write Lemon Tree giveaway.


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