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Our Refuge and Our Fortress -- with Giveaway

Chris Maday Schmidt • Aug 15, 2024

Today I'd like to introduce you to a Love Inspired Inspirational Romance author, Chris Maday Schmidt. Read through to learn how you can receive a free e-book.



His daughter is his priority…

But is there room for one more?


Dedicated to protecting his daughter and the town of Sweetwater, widower Constable Jack Wells will do anything to stop the vandalism at their beloved wildlife preserve—even partner with its new veterinarian. But fighting his attraction to Emerson Parker might be the greater challenge. Soon their on-duty stakeouts evolve into off-duty family outings. But with heartbreak in his past, is he ready to risk a second chance?


Getting to know Chris:


A Publishers Weekly Bestselling author and self-professed princess, Chris Maday Schmidt believes it’s always the write time for real-life fairytales brimming with hope, humor & heart. A Northern Arizona transplant, she’s been published in Woman’s World, Chicken Soup for the Soul, and Guideposts. A FATHER’S VOW is her Love Inspired debut novel.


Subscribe to Chris’s newsletter at; confirm signup and comment for chance to win free print copy (U.S.)—offer ends midnight ET, 8/15.


Whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high will rest in the shadow of the almighty. ~ Psalm 91:1


This is the key verse in my Harlequin Love Inspired debut novel—A FATHER’S VOW—which released in April 2024 and hit the Publishers Weekly Bestseller List for mass-market paperbacks. While the overall theme is “love always prevails,” God is portrayed throughout the book as our refuge and our fortress, which is exactly what the main characters—Constable Jack Wells and veterinarian Emerson Parker—are seeking within the small town of Northern Arizona’s fictional Sweetwater, while working through their respective grief and loss toward falling in love.


Universal in nature, many of us experience these themes woven throughout the majority of our life stories, as well. One of the things I enjoyed most as I wrote Jack and Emerson’s story was how the townsfolk lived out the words of the apostle Paul that we read in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4: to comfort others with the same comfort that God—our merciful Father—has given to each of us.


In addition to spiritually strengthening and encouraging others who face hardships similar to those we’ve walked through, my desire is that A FATHER’S VOW conveys the message of hope for new beginnings, humor in the messy middle & heart for happy endings. And a reminder to trust God—the source of all comfort—as our ultimate refuge and strength.


Is there someone who you can offer comfort to today?


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