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You Are a Marvellous Workmanship

Tammy Adams • October 16, 2023

Today I welcome guest author Tammy Adams as she shares her latest release.

You are a marvelous workmanship

Years ago, my now ex-husband and I were planning a vacation to Dallas, followed by a drive down to Corpus Christi. Neither of us wanted to look like we had never seen a ray of sunshine, so we each purchased a package at a local tanning salon to give us a kiss of a tan by the time we were to leave. At about the same time, he came down with a sinus infection. The doctor prescribed medication that advised him to stay out of the sun. We thought surely a tanning bed was a different type of exposure than the sun, so he used two visits of his package and proceeded to break out into hideous hives!

Instead of losing the money, the salon allowed us to transfer the remainder to me. I ended up using all my package and all of his! By the time we were packed and ready to go, you would think that I was a nice golden color and ready to model for a summer mag shoot! Yeah, no. Not even close. At the end of all those days in that buzzing bed with the oscillating fan, wearing those funky little eye covers, I was still the most European shade of white you can see on me today.

Apparently, tanning beds, laying out on beach towels with baby oil slathered on, or hanging out at the pool for days on end was not going to miraculously change the color of my skin no matter what I decided to do.

According to God’s Word, Psalm 139, from verse 13, David says, “You (God) made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous – how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

The hard-honest truth is that I was literally created to be white. I didn’t choose, I didn’t ask, I didn’t get to vote on my favorite shade. I just…. am. The same is true for three precious families close to me with such beautiful brown-skinned children. Each of these children has the most amazing shades of brown skin! They look stunning in so many clothing colors that I could never wear with my skin tone. They can lay out in the sun for hours and become an even more glorious shade of brown. They were created with their unique skin tones, and I look at them with amazement and appreciation.

I have another friend who has an exquisite color of olive skin. No matter what time of day or night I see her, she looks like she is glowing with health and vitality. She looks so good in colors that just don’t pop the same on me or even on some of my friends with brown skin. Unlike mine, I’ve also noticed that this skin tone does not require any makeup (or very minimal) to look crisp and alive.

Seriously, when I don’t wear makeup, I am asked all day long if I am sick. Ugh.

White, brown, olive, black, and pink are all beautiful colors in God’s crayon box of life. To say that God doesn’t see in colors is just depressing. God loves color! He created so many shades of skin because He loves His beautiful creation. The rainbows, the birds, the flowers, the fall leaves, the ocean creatures, the mountains and valleys, and indeed the people all display the vast color palette of the Holy and Living God.

I can’t change my skin tone. Furthermore, I don’t really want to anymore. Yes, I finally gave up on that tan idea. 😊 What if we focused on changing something that could actually be changed? What if we looked at each other as beautiful, unique, perfectly formed in God’s design…in the secret place? What if we each looked at one another and believed with our entire soul that what David said was true? God’s workmanship is marvelous! I believe we could make a significant change in the culture around us which in turn could change the culture of our state and then of our nation. That’s not too lofty of a goal! In the words of an OG camp song, “It only takes a spark to get a fire going…”


About Tammy:

Tammy Adams is a virtual Executive Assistant living in Owasso, Oklahoma, an aspiring author, and a member of ACFW. She has a passion for writing historical Christian fiction that flows naturally from her hobby of genealogy research as well as her deep Christian faith. When Tammy isn’t writing or spending time with her friends and family, you can find her snuggling with her beloved Rottweiler, Archer. His Voice is Tammy’s first novel.


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