Today I welcome guest blogger and author Carlene Havel as she shares about her latest release. Read on through for how to enter the random drawing for a free book, as well as her generous offer of an additional freebie.
I love to tell a story. Short or long, new or old, spinning a yarn is something I can’t imagine not doing.
As a storyteller and incurable romantic, how could I resist writing about Princess Michal who loved and married King David? When chapter one started to roll across the screen, my fingers tapped away at breakneck speed. The day flew by on the wings of the perilous challenges my intrepid character had to overcome. An everyday question halted all progress: what food did they have? Even fictional characters have to eat. My go-to microwave was obviously not available to a princess coming to life (for me, anyway) in the bronze age.
This dilemma explains why I work with a co-author for historical books. Fortunately, my best friend of many years loves historical research. Sharon Faucheux doesn’t get tied in knots over plot structure, but she can wax eloquent on obscure questions I would never think to ask. Who knew the ancient Egyptians used makeup made from formulas not very different from today’s cosmetics? Or that archeologists examine calcified latrine leavings to discover what people ate a few thousand years ago?
Our collaboration on “Daughter of the King” was mostly agreeable because we respect each other’s opinions. Sharon did object to my description of a character as “blind, stinking drunk”. She felt that language was too Texan. We went back and forth several times before I gave up and reworded the passage. I didn’t even attempt to get “three sheets to the wind” past Sharon. Bless her heart, y’all.
Today is release day for “Daughter of the King”. We hope you love this reimagined Bible story as much as we enjoyed writing it.
Here’s the description: Threatened by David’s popularity, mad King Saul devises a clever plan. He gives his daughter Michal to the brave young giant-killer, commanding her to remain loyal to her father above all others. When the princess is forced to choose between David and King Saul, she risks everything for her husband—and pays a terrible price. Is Michal’s love for David strong enough to endure abandonment, insanity, war, infidelity, and betrayal?
Whether you’re celebrating the holiday or not, today is a good day to count your blessings and be thankful.
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For everyone:
One of my short contemporary romance ebooks is free today on Amazon:
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About Carlene:
Carlene Havel has a degree in English from the University of Texas at San Antonio. She writes Christian-themed romances and historical novels, often with a co-author. Carlene has lived in Turkey, Republic of the Philippines, and numerous US states. After a career in human resources and software development, she began writing in 2005. The Havels make their home in Texas, surrounded by their extended family.
You are invited to connect with Carlene through her Face Book author page,
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Published by: PLS Bookworks