Join me today as I welcome author Aubrey Taylor as she shares about her latest release. Plus, she has generously offered to gift an ebook copy of The Prodigal Sons to one lucky reader. Be sure to read down, leave a comment, and don't forget to include your email address, cleverly disguised so the 'bots don't get you!
“For we will not inherit with them on the other side of the Jordan and beyond, because our inheritance
has come to us on this side of the Jordan to the east.”
Numbers 32:19 ESV
Before entering the Promised Land, some of Israel’s tribes saw a place that was well-suited to their needs. It lay outside of the land God had ordained for Israel to dwell in, yet these tribes were content to settle there instead of receiving their share in His people’s inheritance.
I can’t help but wonder if they were missing out on something. What parcels of land had God intended to give these tribes? What did some of the other tribes end up enjoying that was originally meant to bless the people of Reuben, Gad, and the half of the tribe of Manasseh? Did they accept what seemed good at the expense of something better?
Am I settling for something that looks good, or do I long to discover God’s best?
At a testimony event recently, an older man read from Hebrews 3:19: “So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.” (ESV)
He was talking about the generation of Israel that had died in the wilderness, but it struck me: were the people of Reuben, Gad, and Manasseh guilty of unbelief as well? They knew that the land they desired was not part of the land God had allotted to Israel. Did they not believe that God intended to give them something even better?
Hebrews 3:12 says, “Take care, brothers, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God.” (ESV)
I’ve heard many Bible teachers say that we are never truly staying in one place: we are either moving closer to God, or farther away from Him. A sobering thought, especially because the enemy can be so subtle. If I’m not actively pursuing him, what am I doing? What am I preventing Him from doing in my life?
My encouragement for you today is: don’t settle. Yes, be content with what the Lord has provided, but if He seems to be stirring something within you, what is preventing you from moving toward it?
Honestly, I’m still moving forward into that better thing God has for me, but the watershed opened for me the day I received His call to begin writing. I was content to stay where I was, homeschooling and playing music at church, but I wasn’t unwilling to move when He said “Move.” I feel like I’ve been on the move since, and each door I walk through reveals more of His faithfulness!
“Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back, lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.” (Isaiah 54:2 ESV). It was an exhortation to Israel. It is an exhortation to us. There is more He wants to do. Will you be a part of it?
Getting to Know Aubrey:
Where is your favorite vacation spot?
My favorite vacation spot is Germany. Although there are a hundred places in the world I would love to see someday, my desire to be in Germany trumps all of them. Maybe it won’t always be this way, but that is where the Lord has directed my heart now, and I’m willing to put everything else on the back burner to be there.
What do you enjoy most about writing?
Character creation has always been my favorite part of writing. I love “getting to know” them and watching their stories unfold. Especially when one starts out as a bad boy, and over the course of time, I discover that he has a heart of gold. Being able to craft his transformation and see the person he becomes helps me appreciate that God knows our stories from beginning to end.
What can readers who enjoy your books do to help make it successful?
It’s hard for me to ask people to post reviews on Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub, but I’m taking this opportunity to do so! Star reviews are great, but if you add a few comments about what you loved most on the book, I’d love to be able to use a few excerpts to help promote the books on social media. Also, consider gifting the books to your friends!
Question: We all have limitations and practical concerns. If those weren’t an issue, what is one way you would LOVE to serve God or minister to other people? Leave your comment, along with your cleverly-disguised email address, so the ‘bots don’t get you. For example, Donna AT Livebytheword DOT com
A Peek Inside The Prodigal Sons:
June, 1915
Munich, Germany
He leaned his back against an ancient oak as Lia collapsed beside him, grasping his arm with her hand and snuggling into his side. The woods were quiet, except for the calls of a few birds and the gentle breeze rustling through the treetops. “I love you,” she whispered.
Resting his cheek on the top of her head, he relished the softness of her dark hair against his skin. “I love you too, darling.” He did. Desperately. What other thing did he have to live for? His father and older brother were all off fighting for the German Empire. His brother Kurt had already been killed in action, as well as an uncle. He should’ve been in uniform too. Silently cursing his age, he had often wondered why he didn’t just lie about it. For months he had been listless and depressed, trying his best to swallow his discontentment and comfort his mother as news of fallen friends and loved ones continued to arrive.
Then one day, Lia appeared. Suddenly, he wasn’t so angry about being denied the opportunity to fight alongside his brothers. The ache was still there, but he’d found a reason to stay.
His father was an officer, with a sufficient income to see that he and his mother had all they needed. He worked a little, but had plenty of time for long walks with Lia. She talked about her father, his voluntary enlistment in the Imperial Army, and her mother, who had always teetered on the line between lucidity and insanity. Losing her husband had pushed her definitively onto the wrong side, leaving Lia to find her own road to survival.
That road had ended a few months ago at Ernst’s doorstep.
About Aubrey:
After creating stories prolifically as a child, Aubrey experienced a renewed interest in writing as she entered her 40s. She lives in Upstate New York with her husband and three children, and enjoys reading, playing music, crafting, sketching, exploring the outdoors, and traveling whenever possible. She is a lover of Jesus, the Bible, history, German culture, tea, and cats, and has a special heart for those who struggle with severe anxiety and depression.
See all of Aubrey’s books here:
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Published by: PLS Bookworks