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Struggling to Write the Book

Carole Brown • July 20, 2023

Today I welcome author Carole Brown as she shares about how to overcome the struggle to write your book. For our readers, perhaps this will give you insight into a writer's life. Carole is generously offering to give away an ebook copy of Ne'er The Twain Shall Meet. Read through to learn how to enter to win.

What do writers do when they struggle to write their next book?


I don't know what all other writers do, but I can give you what I do, what I've learned about those struggles and what seems to work for me.


To me, there are three pertinent stages to writing my book. Steps that will help me develop my book and get me to that finish line. Let me explain them: 


Stage one:

  • I usually have a very vague idea what's next in my lineup of books (even before finishing the current one). For example, is this the first, second, third, etc. book in a series or triology? Will it be a stand-alone book?
  • Next, I like to have a title ready. That title means something. It hints at what should be in your book.
  • I begin taking notes. What will this book be about? Who are your primary characters? What could happen? What do you know for sure will happen? What kind of personalities will you hero and heroine have? How do you see, at the present time, happening in the story? What's your major plot? Your setting will be where? Etc. Anything and everything you can think of, jot it down or else you just might forget that detail you wanted to include.
  • And last, do all research that you know you will need. Having that knowledge ahead of time will save you time later as you write.


Stage Two:

  • Begin writing. Let me give you tip that is an enormous help to me. I keep a daily Chore & Word chart. Every morning (except Sundays), I write down a list of things I want to accomplish that day which includes, as the title says, chores, writing goals (and I break this up. Say three hundred words, then a couple lines down, maybe 500 words, or a thousand. Whatever works for you), relaxing periods, and finally the goals I've reached that day. What a feeling to realize I've typed done on all of it!!
  • Secondly, I go into this stage realizing that not every day will be a success. Illness, outside duties, vacations, etc. will interrupt, and sad as it makes me, I've (kind of) learned to live with that.
  • And finally, day after day, if you really love writing a book, you will overcome that feeling of hopelessness in not knowing where to go next. Keep taking notes, keep writing if only a few words a day. It's one step closer to the end.


Stage Three: 

This stage deals with other problems in getting your writing done. Here are just a few tips that help me often:

  • Talk to another author friend. And it doesn't even have to be an author. Many times I talk to hubby, who has a mind to think of situations or people or whatever I need to give me an idea of how to proceed—which helps me to decide, change or use whatever he suggested to spur my ability to keep writing.
  • Secondly, take a break. Yep, it helps. Sometimes, mine is weeks. Sometimes a day or a few hours. If your brain is overworked, tired and just simply not working (:) ), then allow yourself time to rest.
  • And last, don't stop. Don't give up. Don't allow yourself to think I can't do this. If you're really supposed to write, then you can write. Do it. Be determined. Stiffen that backbone. Be positive. You'll reap the reward when you can type, The End!


To me, writing is the best career in the world. I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Enter to win a free ebook: Leave a comment, including your cleverly disguised email address so we can get in touch and let you know if you won. For example: donna AT Livebytheword DOT come


About Ne’er The Twain Shall Meet:

The only good thing happening in Special Agent Lincoln Tillis' life is the entrance of a very successful, very beautiful lawyer named Emilia Pavlo. Of course, she seems to have lost interest in pursuing a relationship with him. But like a moth to a candlelight, he can't stay away from her. His heart is hopelessly in love.


But when little Reba Simpson and his own daughter, Ashley are kidnapped, Emilia seems to be the only one with communication with the kidnapper. How much can she be trusted? Does she really want to help as she claims or is she weaving a web of lies to mislead him?


Is she as innocent as everyone else believes, or is his sixth sense that's never failed him before, right, and he needs to nab her before she hurts Reba and Ashley? Is she the King—Queen Kidnapper after all?

Getting to know Carole: 

Besides being a member and active participant of many writing groups, Carole Brown enjoys mentoring beginning writers. An author of fifteen, best selling, award-winning full-sized books, one children's book, one anthology and one companion book, she loves to weave suspense, mystery and tough topics into her books, along with a touch of romance and whimsy, and is always on the lookout for outstanding titles and catchy ideas. anthologies. She and her husband reside in SE Ohio but have ministered and counseled nationally and internationally. She has found that the traveling and ministering has served her well in writing her novels. Together, they enjoy their grandsons, traveling, gardening, good food, the simple life, and did she mention their grandsons?


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