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Sadie Does Not Like Sorries -- Book and Author Spotlight

Susan Drew • May 28, 2024

Today I welcome author and blogger Susan Drew as she shares about her latest release and life as an author. She has generously offered a delightful sunflower necklace that will go to one random person who leaves a comment (US only).

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Susan Drew Writes

Instagram: @_susandrew

Twitter: @_susandrew

Getting to Know Susan 

Susan is a Navy Brat who traipsed all over the world with her family. She was born in Iceland, but has also lived in Hawaii, Texas, Virginia, California and Germany. Now Susan lives in Vermont with her husband, and rambunctious dog. She’s eagerly awaiting the publication of her first picture book. When not writing, Susan paints and sells her work at local craft fairs, kayaks and dreams up new projects.


About Sadie Does Not Like Sorries

A playground ball. A tussle. A girl who does not like saying sorry.

SADIE DOES NOT LIKE SORRIES is a story about the importance of apologizing.

Will Sadie say sorry in time to enjoy recess with her friends?


Preorders are available now!



Patience and other myths

A long, long time ago, when I was babysitting for a neighbor, she told me, “I prayed for patience and God gave me a cat.” I thought that was the dumbest thing I ever heard. (Yes, I was a snarky child.) I finally get it now. (I’m snarky, and a slow learner.) You can’t be patient unless you have reason to be patient. Hence the cat. Or small children. Or both if you want to be a masochist.

Publishing is slow. First you think you have a great book and an agent is going to snap you up. Not so much. It’s a long slog of research and querying and waiting and hoping. One bright and shiny day an agent calls and you start dreaming about what to do with the big advance you’re going to get. And what you’ll say on the morning shows. Not so much of that either, because now you have to edit the book and get it ready to go out on submission to publishers.

Ahh…submission. Submission is a lot like querying except you don’t have any control. Trust me when I say it takes everything I have not to email my agent every day…”So, how’s it going?” “Have you heard anything today?” “How about today?”

The good news is I have a picture book due out on August 6th. I’m working on launch party plans, and I’m emailing independent bookstores to see if they’ll stock my book. There are all kinds of things in my little art studio to paint. I can write a new book, and edit the ones I’ve already written. What about the living room curtains? Do I still like them? Maybe I should make some new ones?

But those books out on submission are calling to me! Sigh…yes, I know. Have patience.


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