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Hearts of Julesburg Pony Express -- the history

Donna Schlachter • September 30, 2023

Today concludes my series about my latest release, Hearts of Julesburg, book 3 in the Hearts of the Pony Express series, as I share the history of the Pony Express.

In case you’ve not read any of the other books in the series, the Pony Express began in April 1860 and ceased operations in October 1861. That’s right. Such an iconic part of American history lasted about eighteen months.

During that time, following a trail that covered some 2,500 miles from Independence, Missouri to San Francisco, California, the company employed hundreds of men and young boys, riding thousands of horses, who lived in one of the 250 homestations or waystations along the route.

Each rider was assigned a particular route that covered a hard day’s ride east or west, and they traded out mounts every fifteen to twenty miles, depending on the terrain.

Unlike the romantic movies, television shows, and novels written about the Express, the job was difficult, tiring and tiresome, and sometimes dangerous. Nothing stopped the mail from getting through. Not floods, snowstorms, bandits, wild animals, or native uprisings. Surprisingly, not a single rider was killed or died, although many horses perished from the hard work, or were stolen or simply went missing.

Perhaps the sense of adventure engendered by the Pony Express is what keeps it in the minds of folks. Maybe the fact that the Express united a country at a time when mail otherwise took months to travel the southern route, or go down around South America and come up the other way.

Ultimately, the company closed, being in debt some $600,000, when the telegraph connected the east and west coasts, but before that, the Express helped families stay in touch, carried President Lincoln’s acceptance speech, and allowed businesses to expand from sea to shining sea.


Hearts of Julesburg  is available at


Here is the book description:

In 1861, life in the Wild West is difficult. And often short. Being a Pony Express rider could take years off your life. Being a female Express rider? Let’s just say, it’s deadly.
Annelise Harper is more afraid of a life of drudgery and boredom than she is of dying young. Besides, only the good die young, right? She is determined to break the bonds of her gender and of society. Instead of submitting meekly to the expectation that she will either teach school or wed, she heads out of town on her horse, and ends up in Julesburg, Colorado, the roughest and toughest place she's ever heard of. Then she sets out to make her own destiny.
Clint Baker wants more than he has. Although some would think he already has the world. As a ride for the Pony Express, he might not own much, but he roams the Wild West, crossing more land than a man could want. But circumstances conspire against him, threatening to derail his plans. Until a new friend enters his life: Alex Adams.
Can Annelise continue hiding behind her disguise, or will she be found out and expelled? If so, she has nothing and nowhere to go. Can Clint figure out what he really wants? Or will God have to intervene, to bridle them, rein them in, and get them headed in the right direction?



About Donna:

A hybrid author, Donna writes squeaky clean historical and contemporary suspense. She has been published more than 60 times in books; is a member of several writers groups; facilitates a critique group; teaches writing classes; ghostwrites; edits; and judges in writing contests. She loves history and research, traveling extensively for both, and is an avid oil painter. She is taking all the information she’s learned along the way about the writing and publishing process, and is coaching writers at any stage of their manuscript. Learn more at Check out her coaching group on FB:



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