
Romance with a touch of mystery

Mystery with a touch of romance

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One thing you can always be sure of: every book I write is clean--as in squeaky clean. Your 12-year-old could read it. And so could your virgin Great Aunt Mary. No surprises. No shocks. Just sweet, clean.

With a little mystery thrown in for good measure.

Many of my books contain a strong Christian worldview

and faith element.

Because that's who I am.

If you enjoy tales of bygone days, this is the place for you. I write historical fiction that will plant you firmly in the pages of time. My specialty is American history, 1860-1885, but occasionally I pen a book set in another time.

If you enjoy stories set in the here and now, I have those, too. In particular, I've co-written two separate cozy mystery series under

 my pen name of Leeann Betts.

I've also written contemporary romance and momLit. I have a sarcastic sense of humor, which often comes out in my characters.

I love to write stories with older--or should I say, more mature--characters. If you'd like to read those, check out The Mystery of Christmas Inn, Colorado, as well as several others featuring heroines in their forties and fifties--

and beyond.

I also like to write about characters who aren't runway models. Are sometimes overly tall. Are embarrassed because they are less than perfect physically--or at least, they think they are. Most don't believe anybody would willingly choose them. Some hide behind a mask. Or a pen name. Some have built walls around their hearts. Some indulge in good works, hard work, or just plain overwork, trying to make up for a lack they or

somebody else sees in them.

But most importantly, my stories are always about a second chance. Or a third. Or a fourth. And while we'd all like a knight in shining armor to ride in and rescue us from our circumstances, our fears, or ourselves,

that rarely happens in real life.

Given the last few years in our world, we all know real life is messy. Muddy. And way too overrated. Yet we all live such a life.

I believe in a God of second, third, and fourth chances. If that weren't true, I wouldn't be here. I'd either be in jail/prison, or I'd be dead. I praise Him every day for saving me from my sins, my self, and my shame. Because I lived a lot of my life under the curse of shame.

If any of this rings true in your spirit, then, as I said, you've come to the right place. One I prepared just for you.

So settle in. Find that comfy chair.

Or better yet, crawl up into the loving arms of the One True God.

Abba Daddy is waiting for you.

In the beginning...

Suffice it to say I am Canadian by birth, American by choice. I've always wanted to be an American, and as a kid, I stood on the oceanside and looked to what I imagined was south, and wondered why my ancestors didn't stay on the ship for just a few more months.

About Me

When folks ask me to tell my story, I honestly find myself flabbergasted. I don't consider that my story is anything anybody wants to hear.
Still, folks ask. So I'll share a little. About where I came from. Why I am the way I am. How two became one. How one became two. And how this second two realized the lunacy of being separate and became one again.

My next new start...

I moved to the US and married. That's the two becoming one. A man chosen by God so we could both spend the rest of our lives learning about grace and mercy and patience and trust.

The lunacy of two...

After about eight years of keeping my pen name and real persona completely separate, and realizing it was now a poorly-kept secret, I let slip here and there that Leeann Betts and I were the same person.
And now I've decided--with Leeann's blessing--to retire the pen name and publish both genres under my real name.

How one became two...

At the urging of a former literary agent, I created a pen name because I wrote in two genres, historical and contemporary.
About the only benefit was I doubled my work when it came to social media.
Not something I'd recommend. Or likely do again.
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